Transcriptomics Open Access: Special Issue on Bioresources


The journal of 'Transcriptomics Open Access' proposes to publish a special issue on Bioresources, a term that refers to the natural renewable sources like organic wastes and naturally formed or formable raw materials from human and animal activities. In large quantities they are generated by industries or mills in the agriculture, forestry, marine, and municipal sectors. These bioresources feedstocks are taken by processing and manufacturing industries like the oil palm mills. Their bioproducts are made from agricultural plants and may be used as energy carriers, platform chemicals, or specialty products.

About the journal:

The Journal of Transcriptomics aims to disseminate knowledge and promote discussion through the publication of peer-reviewed, high quality, research papers on all topics related to oral health and the dental management. The open access journal is published by Longdom Journal

The Special Issue:

Authors are encouraged to submit papers based on new findings from original data collection or new analyses of existing data.

Topics included in the special issue are:

1. Translatome
2. Genome
3. Transcriptional attenuation
4. Single-cell transcriptomics.
5. Ribosomes

Editor in-charge of Special Issue will be Han Wen who is currently appointed at Anhui Agricultural University, School of Life and Sciences, China.

Transcriptomics: Open Access Journal is using online manuscript submission, review and tracking systems of Editorial Manager for quality and quick review processing.
21 Days rapid review process is guaranteed.
Submit your article at
Last date for submissions of manuscripts: 15 Dec 2019
Tentative date of issue release: 24 Jan 2020

Longdom Journal is an amalgamation of Open Access publications and worldwide international science conferences and events. Working with sole aim of making the information on Sciences and technology. LONGDOM Group has been instrumental in taking the knowledge on Science & technology to the doorsteps of ordinary men and women. Research Scholars, Students, Libraries, Educational Institutions, Research centers and the industry are main stakeholders that benefitted greatly from this knowledge dissemination.

Media Contact:
Journal Manager
Transcriptomics: Open Access

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