Metabolite Concentration in Cells


The Journal, Drug Designing: Open Access publishes the highest quality scientific articles amalgamating broad range of fields including molecular modeling, clinical research and drug discovery and delivery.

Drug Designing: Open Access is a peer-reviewed and open access journal with an aim to provide rapid and reliable source of information in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide.

Metabolites are the by-products of metabolism. Нeir formation critically depends on enzymes that act on a parent structure. As such, they represent defined chemical intermediates in a pathway that is designed to modify the parent compound. Because they are intermediates, metabolites tend to be present in small amounts. Нe importance of metabolites in drug development cannot be understated. When an organism’s biological systems are disturbed by disease, genetic mutations or environmental factors, the profile of metabolites produced oÑ–en changes. Нis makes metabolites excellent candidates for biomarkers and particularly useful for understanding disease states, toxicities, drug interactions, mechanisms of action and other areas of biology. Nearly every internal and external factor impacting a living organism exerts its influence by subtly altering metabolite levels. Because the metabolome is at the heart of these factors, it serves as a surrogate to the phenotype itself.

Нe metabolite content of cells varies, due to internal and external influences on the complex biochemical reactions which sustain the cell and produce both intermediary and end product metabolites. Variations in conditions or environment will produce diوٴerent metabolic pathways for individual cells. Precise, sensitive measurement of metabolites allows the researcher to infer these pathways, and by extension, provides important information about cell state. For example, in the immune system, CD4+ cells can diوٴerentiate into Н or TReg cells. Нese two cell types produce diوٴerent responses from the immune system: Н cells lead to a powerful inflammator\ action, while TReg cells produce the opposite eوٴect. Нe increased energy demands of the Н response require glycolysis to fuel the reaction.

We publish the article related to the effects of dual diagnosis, Treatment, outcomes of the treatment. We invite different types of science communications including original research article, systematic reviews, short note communications, case reports, Editorials, letters to the Editors and expert opinions & commentaries from different regions for publication.

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With Regards,
Sherry Peterson 
Drug Designing: Open Access
Editorial Manager
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