In vitro Culture of Heat-treated Anthers Induces Embryogenic Callus in Cassava


Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology is handling volume:8, issue:2, 2020. Journal is focused on articles related to Plant Biosystems, Plant Ecology, Plant production science, Plant signaling & behavior, bacteriology,  nematology, plant neurobiology.

Microspore embryogenesis is the developmental plasticity of juvenile male gametophytes to switch from pollen to embryo development upon exposure to in vitro stress. It is a common method for obtaining haploid and doubled haploid plants in breeding programs for development of superior varieties via haploid-diploidization which allows fast development of homozygous lines from heterozygous parents. In cassava, obtaining haploidization through traditional methods of successive selfing is difficult because of cassava’s long reproductive cycle, high heterozygosity, and inbreeding depression.

In the current study, we have successfully induced embryogenic callus by heat treatment and inoculation of liquid and solid cultures in two elite cassava genotypes grown in Uganda. Heat treatment causes changes in the physiology, hormonal balance and cell signaling in the anther cells that favor the induction of a higher percent of culture response. Enjoy reading full length article on our journal website.

Journal of Plant Biochemistry & Physiology is focusing on releasing articles volume:8, Issue:2. Manuscripts can be submitted through online link .

Thanks & Regards
Joseph Marreddy
Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Physiology
WhatsApp: +3225889658