Assessment of Risky Sexual Behaviors and Associated Risk Factors among Students of Arsi University, Ethiopia


Risky sexual behaviours are behaviours which include having two or more sexual partners, inconsistent condom use with new partners and having sex with commercial sex worker. Those behaviours could lead to unwanted health consequences, such as unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and psychological trauma [1,2]. Majority of University students are in their adolescence age and they are vulnerable for being engaged in different risky sexually activities as the adolescence period for many young people is characterized by greater amounts of experimentation, partner change, and risk-taking, than in later years [3]. The sexual behaviour patterns are changing worldwide with practices like later marriage, premarital sex and multiple sex partners. These changes in sexual behaviours are more prevalent among men than in women. The developing countries are at more risk of HIV infection as these changes in sexual behaviours are more common among them [4]. Similarly, low condom usage has further worsened the situation in many developing countries